written by
Peter Jensen

“Numbering Our Days: Cultivating a Heart of Wisdom in Life's Brevity“

Bible Studies Faith | Discipleship Men's Issues Women's Issues Young Adults 3 min read

Psalm 90:12 (NASB95)

“So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.“


Psalm 90 is unique in the Psalter as it is attributed to Moses, making it potentially the oldest psalm. It's often called “A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.“ This psalm reflects on the eternal nature of God in contrast to the brevity of human life. It's a profound meditation on time, mortality, and the importance of living wisely in light of our finite existence.

The psalm begins by acknowledging God's eternality and then moves to discuss the transient nature of human life. Verse 12 comes as a pivotal point in the psalm, shifting from reflection to petition, asking God for wisdom in light of life's brevity.

Photographer: Renáta-Adrienn | Source: Unsplash


  1. “So teach us“ : This is a humble request for divine instruction.
    It acknowledges our need for God's guidance in understanding life's realities.
  2. “to number our days“ : The Hebrew word for “number“ (manah) can also mean “to appoint“ or “to assign.“
    This isn't just about counting days, but about making each day count.
    It implies a conscious awareness of the limited nature of our time on earth.
  3. “That we may present to You“ : This suggests offering something to God, implying that how we use our time is a form of worship.
  4. “a heart of wisdom“ : In Hebrew thought, the heart is the center of intellect and will, not just emotions.
    Wisdom here is not mere knowledge, but the skill of living well.
    The phrase suggests a deep, internalized wisdom that shapes one's entire life.

Key Points

  1. Our time on earth is limited, and we need God's help to use it wisely.
  2. Awareness of life's brevity should lead to wisdom, not despair.
  3. How we use our time is a matter of spiritual significance.
  4. True wisdom comes from God and is reflected in how we live our lives.
  5. Numbering our days is about quality of life, not just quantity.

Reflection Questions

  1. How does the realization of life's brevity affect your daily decisions and priorities?
  2. What does it mean to you personally to “number your days“?
  3. In what areas of your life do you most need God's wisdom?
  4. How can awareness of your mortality lead to a more meaningful and purposeful life?
  5. What would it look like to “present a heart of wisdom“ to God in your current season of life?


  1. Keep a gratitude journal to cultivate awareness of each day's significance.
  2. Regularly review your priorities and time allocation in light of eternal values.
  3. Seek mentorship from older, wiser believers who can share life lessons.
  4. Practice making deliberate choices about how you spend your time, treating it as a precious resource.
  5. Incorporate regular times of reflection and prayer, asking God for wisdom in your daily life.
Photographer: Glenn Carstens-Peters | Source: Unsplash


Heavenly Father,

We come before You with humble hearts, acknowledging that our days on this earth are numbered. We thank You for the gift of life and for each moment You've given us.

Lord, teach us to number our days. Help us to realize the preciousness of time and to use it wisely. Give us the discernment to prioritize what truly matters in light of eternity.

We ask for Your divine wisdom, O God. May it permeate our hearts, guide our decisions, and shape our character. Help us to live in a way that honors You, making the most of every opportunity.

Father, we want to present to You hearts of wisdom. Transform our understanding, renew our minds, and help us to see life from Your perspective. May the way we live our lives be an offering of worship to You.

Remind us daily of life's brevity, not to fill us with fear, but to inspire us to live with purpose and intentionality. May we use the time You've given us to love deeply, serve generously, and grow continually in Your grace.

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who taught us the ultimate wisdom of living for God's kingdom.

